It’s hard to believe that Fall is upon us. It crept up quickly after what seemed like a very short Summer. Nonetheless, here we are in the middle of September with cooler temperatures right around the corner.

Some of the first things you may think of when you think of fall are football, sweaters, pumpkins, and colorful leaves. Preparing your home
for cooler weather may not top your list, but it is important.

Here are some things to consider as the temperatures start to cool off:

1. Clean out your gutters: Leaves and other gunk can accumulate over the course of the year and if left, it can cause the gutters to clog, which causes the water to overflow. This can cause damage to your home. The
gutters and rain spouts are meant to take water away from your home and its foundation. When your gutters overflow it will run down your home and puddle at the foundation. It can cause structural damage as well
as cosmetic damage. The weight of wet debris can cause your gutter to detach from your house as well. Cleaning your gutters a couple of times a year will prevent these issues from occurring.

2. Drain outdoor faucets; If you do not have a freeze proof outdoor faucet you will need to drain it before the temperature reach freezing to prevent your pipes from cracking. You can also insulate it to protect it from the cold temperatures.

3. Inspect your furnace: We all know we need to periodically change the furnace filter, but we also need to have yearly inspections to make sure our heating and cooling systems are up to snuff. Without the proper
maintenance the system can leak deadly carbon monoxide, be less efficient, or stop working all together. This is another job that is best left in the hands of a professional. But it is less than $100 for the yearly visit and is well worth the peace of mind and the warm cozy house.

4. Check for drafts and leaks: What is the point of having a working furnace if all your warm air is leaving through cracks in your home? Check your home for places where warm air might be escaping. Common places are windows, doors, attics, electrical outlets, dryer vents and anywhere pipes enter your home. Caulk, foam sealer, foam gaskets (for electrical outlets), plastic film for windows, weather stripping for around doors, and extra insulation in your attic are some of the ways to fix these leaks.

Fall is my favorite time of year and know if I make sure my home and yard are taken care of I will be able to endure the cold winter ahead much more comfortably. We at HRG Dallas have a cadre of tradesmen that can help ready your home for Fall or any other season for that matter. Give us a call if we can share a resource with you and